The Minga Indigena are a collective of groups, organizations and communities from indigenous nations throughout Abya Yala (the American continent). The leaders of Indigenous Minga come from the highest communities in the Andes, the deepest forests of the Amazon, the islands farthest away from the continents, the driest desert in the world, the northernmost territory in Alaska and the largest reserves of water in southern Patagonia. They come to help humanity remember what it is to be 'human' and to invite them to join the cause for climate and biocultural diversity from a new perspective.


At COP26 in Glasgow, Indigenous Minga are present both at official events (Blue Zone and Green Zone) and at the alternative World Summit of Indigenous Peoples. Indigenous leaders hope to make visible the situation of their peoples in the face of climate change, to share experiences of caring for their ancestral territories, and to generate spaces of learning, discussion and reflection. There were 140 delegates who planned to be at COP26 in Glasgow, but delays and restrictions due to COVID-19 have meant that they won’t all be able to be in attendance.

Dorothea, a Glasgow based volunteer working with the group, explained: “We want to raise awareness of the affect that climate change has had on indigenous people. And how their homes are being destroyed because of climate change, because of the lifestyle that we live, because of colonialism. Basically we want to ensure that their voices are heard in the climate conference, that it’s not just like the leaders of the countries but the actual people who are most affected by climate change who are heard and that’s what we’re here for.”

The group put out requests for families to host the delegates and for local community groups for donations of food and warm clothing and Glasgow, as usual, did not disappoint! Catherine dropped off a load of organic oats, rice & pasta to help keep the delegates well fed while they’re in our home city.

Find out more about Minga Indigena and their role at COP26 at