• Vegan
  • Organic
Hot 'n' Smoky Kimchi - Organic 6x475g
SKU: GR11640C

Delicious organic kimchi: with a fiery, smoky twist.

Inspired by Korea and fermenting organic vegetables, spices and Celtic sea salt together, this kimchi follows a more traditional Korean recipe and is flavoured with tamari and smoked paprika.

Usually presented as a side dish, kimchi is naturally cultured and high in vitamins, enzymes and beneficial live bacteria - as well as taste, of course. This flavour bomb of goodness also loves scrambled eggs, pizzas and even being the ‘crunch’ on melted cheese. Try it your way - if it’s good for you, it’s good for you.

Attribute icons key:

  • VeganVegan
  • OrganicOrganic
  • Gluten FreeGluten Free
  • Fair TradeFair Trade
  • Produced in ScotlandProduced in Scotland